New Candidate Registration

Step 1: Generate ABC ID

Visit DigiLocker and follow the instructions to generate your ABC ID.

Read the full instruction document:

Steps for ABC ID Creation (PDF)

Step 2: Generate DEB ID

Go to this link, enter your ABC ID, and follow the instructions to generate your DEB ID.

Step 3: Registration

Enter your DEB ID, which will automatically fill in your Name, Contact Details, Date of Birth, and other information. Manually complete the remaining fields, such as Government Identity, Programme, and Study Centre/Learner Support Centre. After submitting, a payment challan will be generated.

Step 4: Pay Fee

Use the payment link to pay your fee. Leave the Roll Number field blank on the payment page.

Step 5: Declaration & Verification

Login to the dashboard with your Application No and Date of Birth. Enter the code from the challan and agree to the terms and conditions.

Step 6: Enter Details & Upload Documents

Enter your payment details and upload your documents, including your photo and signature. Submit the form at your study centre.

Step 7: Verification & Roll Number Generation

Submit your documents at the study centre for verification. After successful verification, you will receive your Roll Number.

Step 8: Collection of Study Material

After receiving your Roll Number, you can collect your study material from your study centre.

Already Registered Candidate

Need Help with Online Admission?

If you're experiencing any difficulties with the online admission process, please feel free to visit GUCDOE, Gauhati University or your nearest Study Centre or LSC. We're here to assist you and ensure your admission experience is smooth and successful.

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The Gauhati University Centre for Distance and Online Education (GUCDOE), formerly known as Institute of Distance and Open Learning (IDOL) and Post Graduate Correspondence School (PGCS) was established in May 1998 with the objective to ensure the opportunity to pursue quality higher education to the large number of students who could not pursue higher education through conventional mode of education.

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